Matei - Angelo Asavoaie
Young Violinist
Young Violinist
We are the Folk Group Obcina Stanisoarei, from Malini, Jud. Suceava. We are a small group of people with a big talent in music, with an affinity for music with pastoral specifics, local traditions, which we grew up with and love. Our group emerged as an initiative to preserve old local, rural traditions. We are constantly seeking to attract new local talent and give future generations the chance to see a glimpse of what once meant Romanian village life and pastoral culture.
Our music contains local folk motifs, collected from various villages, from stories of old people, shepherds, traditional craftsmen. The motifs in the music are represented by war, sadness through mourning songs, the joy of marriage, shepherding songs, etc. We use only traditional instruments, including traditional whistles, while the technique of blowing them is specific to the Bucovina region.
We started in 2010, forming a record of songs, which we perfected, and then we won 3 consecutive years first place at the Festival 'Intalniri Bucovinene' in Campulung Moldovenesc. We were also invited internationally to several traditional music festivals in France, Poland, Hungary. In 2015 Mr. Vasile Ungureanu, coordinator of the group, received the 'Living Human Treasure' distinction, according to the UNESCO initiative for the preservation of non-material cultural values. We have participated in the preselection of 'Romanii au Talent', multiple televised events on popular TV channels. We participate every year in specific festivals in many areas of Romania.
Young Violinist
Young Violinist
Traditional Singer
Traditional Singer
Traditional Singer
Traditional Singer
Blowing Instruments
Traditional Instrumentalist
Traditional Singer
Traditional Instrumentalist
Traditional Singer
Traditional Singer
Voice & Cobza
Traditional Singer
Coordinator & Instruments
Living Human Treasure